The Income Engine - Talia Wolf - Chief Conversion Optimizer

“These are the triggers I wish I’d known when I first started optimizing websites”

PSA: Psychological triggers affect peoples’ purchasing decisions and determine if they buy from you or the competitor. 

After running hundreds of AB tests using emotion and psychology, I created this guide so you can:


Understand how people make purchasing decisions


Optimize any landing page, sales page or campaign you create


Learn how to use these triggers to increase conversions and ROI 

Get the guide for free below

The Income Engine - Talia Wolf - Chief Conversion Optimizer

“I just read your Psychological Triggers guide and I love it! It’s one of the best ebooks I’ve ever used! I need to print it and have it around at all times!”

Marta Bermúdez

Content marketer at Txerpa

What’s inside:


A list of 30+ psychological triggers and how each one affects your prospect’s purchasing decision


Step-by-step instructions on how to use each trigger to increase your conversions and turn more visitors into customers / clients


Case studies and examples of how other businesses use these triggers successfully 

Hi there, I’m Talia.

I’m the founder of GetUplift and I help my clients and students 10X their conversions using emotion and psychology.  

After co-founding a successful conversion optimization agency and consulting for some of the largest companies in the world, today I run a consulting business and lead CRO training workshops around the globe.

I’ve taught on stages such as Google, MozCon, CTAconf, Search Love and many more and was recently listed as one of the most influential experts in conversion optimization.

If you’d like to learn how to get more people to say yes AND achieve those record-breaking results you’re after, download this free guide. 

The Income Engine - Talia Wolf - Chief Conversion Optimizer


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